READ ALL OF COLOSSIANS IN ONE SITTING Paul was so very grateful for the faith and love of the Colossians (see Colossians 1:3-4). And having heard of the heresies being taught to them (all paths lead to God, secret knowledge, the need to measure up, etc.), he listed his prayers for their spiritual wisdom and understanding, for increasing in knowledge, and for being strengthened in all power for all endurance and patience with joy and thanksgiving (v 9-14). Then Paul makes clear how to identify all counterfeit teachings: study the original, the FOUNDATION of our faith--WHO CHRIST IS. Let's all get our Jesus right by reading Colossians 1:15-20, Then go the extra mile with this week's spiritual assignment: Read all of Colossians (4 chapters) in one sitting. In the file below you'll find the handouts from Sunday, July 21, which include: 1) Who is Christ (7 characteristics) 2) The Colossian Heresy 3) Colossians Megathemes ![]()
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