February 3: New Ladies' Bible Study Begins![]() Join us for our next Bible study! In this 7-session video-based study, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses.
We'll meet every other Monday, in person and on Zoom, at 6:30pm beginning February 3. Contact us for more details. Join Sunday services on campus and on Facebook
Stay Engaged. Be Connected.
Our Facebook group, Ascension Online Church Family, is another way to be part of the family everyday. Fr. Jack is leading us through Morning Prayer, Wednesday through Friday. Recorded morning prayer is also accessible by request via email. Just contact Fr. Jack. Encounter God through His WordLean into scripture and see what God is saying to you. Scripture, sermon text and video are bundled together on our Encountering God blog.
Parable of the Pharisee & the Tax Collector We need to stay humble. We need to recognize and confess our sins, and our need for God's mercy. Because then, that is the freedom that God wants for us. Luke 18:9-14 Holy Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism resides at the heart of Christian unity. Baptism has his roots, all the way back into ancient Israel and the people of God. The Rich Man and Lazarus Remember your Creator. Remember your Redeemer. Remember the many warnings I gave to you that you did not regard. The Perplexing Parable The dishonest steward is being commended for acting shrewdly, for acting with wisdom. Using his masters wealth, in a wise manner in a worldly wise manner, not a kingdom manner, but in a worldly manner. Luke 16:1-13 Cost of Discipleship The cost, ultimately, to follow him, is laying down a decision that must be made of who will be Lord, in your life. Luke 14:25-33 Prayer of Colossians Today God is speaking, and he continues to speak to us through the Holy Scriptures. In this passage of Colossians, first is a greeting: Grace and Peace. Next, faith, hope and love, the foundation of Christian life. And thirdly, a litany of prayer for the building up of the church. Colossians 1:1-14 There's a Man in Heaven Now We are destined to come home, to be home with God, to join Jesus there where we will see God and see him face to face. Luke 24:44-53 Believe the Counsel of God These things have happened. We can believe everything else that he said is going to happen. We're going to go home to the Father. John 14:21-29 Alpha & the Omega We are on our way to the Resurrection. The Last Day will be The First Day. Revelation 21 |
Welcome to Your Neighborhood Church!In times past the neighborhood church was the central place where people gathered to share their lives and the journey of faith together. Neighbors lived in close proximity and even knew each other’s names. On Sundays they were committed to being together in worship, participating in the joys of life and supporting each other in difficult times. The neighborhood church was a place of celebration and events, friendship and support, a place to worship and grow in the knowledge and love of God. This is our desire here at Ascension Anglican Church.
Our community of faith harkens back to a time when churches were embedded in the neighborhood. Our services bring together vibrant elements of worship that are often scattered among other churches. Each of these elements provides a channel of opportunity for you to encounter God in a fresh and dynamic way. God is a living being, not just a set of ideas or religious practices. The goal of worship is to connect with Him, hear His voice, experience His presence, and be touched by His love. There are many connection points in our Sunday Service, which provide for a personal encounter with God:
These conduits are available for God to speak to you and touch your life with His grace and love. Learn more about us. Are you longing for a genuine, authentic, place to grow in your spiritual life?. Our Anglican way of worship is designed to facilitate an encounter with God. We are Christians on a journey of faith with Jesus, in the midst of intense and challenging times. Come and join us! Encounter God afresh with friends and fellowship here at Your Neighborhood Church. Plan your visit now | Watch services on demand | Watch Sundays at 10am I look forward to meeting you soon, Fr. Jack Estes Ascension Anglican Church --Located in downtown Bakersfield-- You'll find lots of ways to join us on the journey. Check out the Opportunities page. |