We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating--and going to a new church for the first time can be unsettling. So, to make your first experience at Ascension Anglican Church a great one, we've created this page full of info just for you!
LOCATION & DIRECTIONS We meet in the Grace Lutheran campus at 2530 Drake Street in the Westchester neighborhood. REGULAR SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES Sundays at 9am in person and on Facebook. If you come on campus, we hope you can stay for Social Hour and refreshments afterward! In-person Kids Sunday School also begins at 9am. Stay ConnectedMorning Prayer on Facebook, Wednesdays - Fridays
Ascension Online Church Family Facebook Group Social Hour following Sunday services |
What to expect on SundaysExpect to to be in the presence of the living God--and to share in His love with one another!
When you enter, an usher will greet you and provide a booklet to follow throughout the service. If you have children wanting to go to Sunday School, the usher will show you their nearby classroom. Children are escorted back to the chapel in time for communion. The Anglican liturgy is followed in our services. "Liturgy" literally means "work of the people." It follows set patterns and words every week. At Ascension Anglican, we open with praise songs and then a hymn with the procession of the cross, which helps us acknowledge the real presence of God with us. We move through the liturgy with readings from the Bible, a sermon based on one or more of the readings, a confession of faith, prayer for the world and the church, a time of greeting and celebrating with one another, an offering, and communion. This ancient form of service directs our focus on God instead of ourselves. COMMUNION At Ascension, all baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion. If you will not be receiving the bread and wine, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing--simply cross your arms in front of your chest to let us know your intent. Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions. You are also welcome to share any prayer requests for our prayer team. We hope that you and your family will join us as we worship together, and we may enjoy your company after the services for Sunday Social or one of our events.
May the Lord bless you, The Rev. Jack Estes, Rector |